Al Gordon

Helping you manage change

Change is the law of life. And those who
look only to the past or present
are certain to miss the future.

— John F. Kennedy, Speech, June 25, 1963

What was true in the New Frontier era is even more accurate nearly 60 years later: Change is accelerating and is doing so in every element of our lives. Public affairs and communications are not immune from this reality. The challenge is to manage change; to make it work for us, not overwhelm us.

My goal as a public affairs professional is to help individuals and institutions do just that – blending experience and innovation to forge strategies that work.

This is not about reading crystal balls. It is using analytical and strategic expertise to look beyond an immediate crisis and focus on long-term objectives.

What's your goal? What's your message? What are your priorities? Sound planning concentrates on core issues and recognizes that the social, economic, technological, and political context in which you work will constantly evolve. An effective professional works with you to analyze your needs and find the answers you demand.

Because "going forward" shouldn't just be a rhetorical flourish. It's a strategic imperative.